COPASI Emscripten Test

During HARMONY 2023, I've started experimenting with emscripten. This is a first test, getting COPASI to work. Simply upload a COPASI file and have it run (it will run a time course simulation). Experimentally some basic processing changes can be made, like changing durations or changing the simulation method.

Some examples so that i can try it on a phone
Brusselator | MAPK-HF96-layout.cps (this one takes a while) | DimericMWC-stiff.cps
Changes for processing in yaml for the problem:
{"problem":{"Duration": 100, "StepNumber": 100, "StepSize": 0.1}}
{"method": {"name": "Stochastic (Gibson + Bruck)"}}
or for changes of initialvalues in the form of display names. So:
  • [A]_0
    for initial concentration of species A
  • Values[t].InitialValue
    for initial value of parameter t
  • (r1).k
    for the value of k of reaction r1.
{"initial_values": {"[A]_0": 10.0, "Values[t].InitialValue": 0.1, "(r1).k": 0.1}}